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Just turned 23 a few hours ago and i still feel like im only 16. nakz harhar
uhm, haven't felt anything special with this day - yet(?) . .as usual.heheh Though I can say that I felt my birthday last year.don't know why. :D

Well, Happy 23rd Birthday to me! \m/

Celebration with my friends will be on the 18th of July, a night with Urbandub.heheh and I'm really expecting the free ticket courtesy of Andie Mingoy.mwahahah Now you're obliged.

Hmm, I'm 23 and haven't got much plans in life.hahah maybe a haircut soon. Been planning for weeks of having a haircut. Now that I just turned an age older, maybe that's a reason enough to get this damn haircut done. Shella has done a virtual makeover of myself. But I don't think I could take this. LLDA ahahah

Before I finished this post, my beau, who was the first one to greet me, have already posted about my bday in his Gaming Edge blog. True to his words, I am indeed a Believer - Bamboo fanatic. I even shot photos of him imitating Bamboo or the other band members in their posters and do some photo tweaking to replace one of them with his face. Here's a sample:

Another 2 tweaked photos are at my rubbish blog.

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