Twilight Fever
Twilight mania it is! When I first saw the trailer, it seems like a must-see movie to me. But when I read the book, I no longer liked the Many people are comparing it to Harry Potter - but for me they are incomparable. For the movie and the book, Harry Potter is way better than Twilight - quality-and-stor-wise. That is just my opinion and I'm not really an expert and a good critic. Both series are at different levels so there's really nothing to compare.
Anyways, Shella and Graze are more into the Twilight fever than me. They're more eager to watch the movie, so we did even though we have watched it already in the internet. lol I just joined them in the cinema on the next start of the movie - yes they watched it twice.^ ^
When I read the book, I thought that Rob didn't satisfy Edward Cullen's character. Sorry to disappoint his fans. But he was really dazzling in the movie. I think he's fair enough for the character. Maybe the low budget explains why the movie is not well-made and received poor reviews. Only the characters have made it a hit.
The one that caught my attention when I first saw the trailer was James (Cam Gigandet), the antagonist of the movie. He looked gorgeous with his long hair. Then he was shirtless in his first scene in Twilight. *drooling hahahah He looked different when he's got short hair though. He doesn't look that hot.
Hmm. .in conclusion, the movie is good (at least for me). But it could have been better though. ^ ^
p.s. don't mind this pic, I just like the new look of SM City Iloilo's Cinema. =D

Anyways, Shella and Graze are more into the Twilight fever than me. They're more eager to watch the movie, so we did even though we have watched it already in the internet. lol I just joined them in the cinema on the next start of the movie - yes they watched it twice.^ ^
When I read the book, I thought that Rob didn't satisfy Edward Cullen's character. Sorry to disappoint his fans. But he was really dazzling in the movie. I think he's fair enough for the character. Maybe the low budget explains why the movie is not well-made and received poor reviews. Only the characters have made it a hit.
The one that caught my attention when I first saw the trailer was James (Cam Gigandet), the antagonist of the movie. He looked gorgeous with his long hair. Then he was shirtless in his first scene in Twilight. *drooling hahahah He looked different when he's got short hair though. He doesn't look that hot.
Hmm. .in conclusion, the movie is good (at least for me). But it could have been better though. ^ ^
p.s. don't mind this pic, I just like the new look of SM City Iloilo's Cinema. =D
Nice blog :)